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Notional includes several parsers for importing external content. They will accept either string (data) or file-like objects to provide the input content.

HTML Parser

The HTML parser read an HTML document into Notion API objects. From there, the caller may create a page in Notion using the rendered content.

from notional.parser import HtmlParser

parser = HtmlParser(base="")

with open(filename, "r") as fp:

doc = notion.pages.create(

Note: while the parser aims to be general purpose, there may be conditions where it cannot interpret the HTML document. Please submit an issue if you find an example of valid HTML that is not properly converted.

After parsing, the HtmlParser will contain title, meta, and content.


If the parser encounters a <title> element, this property will be set to the contents.

Otherwise, the parser will attempt to look for a name in the input data stream. Typically, this would be the filename if the data is a file-like object.

If no <title> or name exists, this property will be None.


The meta property is a dict containing data from <meta> tags in the input. This property is a dict where each element has the form meta_name: meta_value.


Content is rendered into a list of blocks, ready to be created or appended to a page.

CSV Parser

The CSV parser will read comma-separate value content and generate the appropriate database along with content. In order to populate the database, the contents must be created as individual pages.

from notional.parser import CsvParser

parser = CsvParser(header_row=True)

with open(filename, "r") as fp:

doc = notion.databases.create(

for props in parser.content:
    page = notion.pages.create(

The CsvParser accepts the follow configuration options when initialized:

  • header_row - indicates that the input data has a header row, which will be used to generate the schema (defaults to True)
  • title_column - indicates which column number to use as the title for entries (defaults to 0)

After parsing, the CsvParser will contain title, schema, and content.


The parser will attempt to read a name property from the input data source. As seen in the above example, this is a useful property when creating the database.

If there is no name available, this property will be None.


The parser will generate a schema for the CSV data, which is used when creating the database. The schema is presented as a dict where each element is the form field_name: field_type and can be passed to the databases.create() method.


CSV data is created as a list of page properties in the database. The content must be created as separate pages with the new database parent. Specifically, the content property is a list where each element is a dict of the form field_name: field_value. These elements are a full set of properties for creating a new page.