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Object-Relational Mapping

This library has support for defining custom data types that wrap Notion pages. Typically, these pages are entries in a database (collection) with a consistent schema.

Custom Types

Custom types must extend the ConnectedPage object. To do so, first initialize a session and generate the page object:

auth_token = os.getenv("NOTION_AUTH_TOKEN")
notion = notional.connect(auth=auth_token)
CustomPage = connected_page(session=notion)

Data Objects

Users may define custom types that map to entries in a Notion database. To accomplish this, declare a class and its members using Notional types:

class Task(CustomPage, database=NOTION_DATABASE_ID):
    Title = Property('Title', schema.Title())
    Priority = Property('Priority', schema.SelectOne())
    DueDate = Property('Due Date', schema.Date())

Alternatively, you may set the database ID as a private member of the custom type:

class Task(CustomPage):
    __database__ = NOTION_DATABASE_ID

In the examples, NOTION_DATABASE_ID is defined as a string or UUID of a database visible to the current integration.

Review the schema reference for all available types.


Connected pages expose a query() method, which returns a custom QueryBuilder for iterating over user-defined types:

for task in Task.query().execute():
    print(f"{task.Title} => {task.Priority}")
    task.DueDate =

See the examples for more information and additional usage.