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Quick Start

  1. Fork the notional repository into your account and clone a local working copy.

  2. Create a new feature branch for your changes.

  3. Set up a local environment.

    1. Create a virtual environment:
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    1. Install dependencies (using poetry):
    poetry install
    1. Install pre-commit hooks:
    pre-commit install
  4. Follow the standards enforced by the tools. At any time, you may use the preflight target to run the unit tests and code checks.

  5. Provide tests for new code and ensure they are passing.

  6. Submit a pull request with your changes.

Pull Requests

Pull requests are highly encouraged! Please make sure the PR passes pre-commit prior to submission.

Coding Standards

Notional uses standard Python coding practices.


All code must be formatted using black.

Additionally, all import statements will be sorted according to isort.

Static Analysis

Code will be scanned using flake8.

Unit Tests

Where practical, stand-alone unit tests ae strongly encouraged. In the future, code coverage may be enforced for new commits.

If it is not practical to develop a unit test, evidence of working code must be provided in the pull request.

To run the unittests, you can set up new integration in notion, create new empty page and give integration access to the page. Then export two env variables:

export NOTION_AUTH_TOKEN="secret_tOkEn"

before running the tests (make unit-tests). Tests are recorded by pytest-vcr, make reset-vcr will reset recorded data.

Submitting Issues & Requests

Please review the open issues and feature requests. This is a great place to start if you are looking for ways to contribute!

Known Issues

See Issues on github.

Feature Requests

See Issues on github.